Wedding Service Options: Photo / Video / “Same Day Edit Video” / Officiant / Photo Booth / Wedding Print Photo Albums
To view the Photo Gallery tap/click here:
To view the FEATURED Wedding Video Highlight Story from a collection of weddings tap/click on above image or here: Featured Videos
To view more “Wedding Video Highlight Story” Videos tap/click here: Video Highlight Story
Entertain your guests with a SAME DAY EDIT VIDEO! A Cinematic Wedding Video Highlight Story that's edited on the same day as the wedding and shown to guests during the reception. We will also provide a projector & screen on this day. This is an optional add-on towards the video package, upon availability.
To view more SAME DAY EDIT VIDEOS tap/click here: biancaphotographyhawaii
NEW!!!!! A great way to view and display some of your professional wedding photos in print at your wedding reception with the SAME DAY EDIT PHOTOS. This is an optional add-on towards the photography package, upon availability.
To view more Same Day Professional Print Samples tap/click here: biancaphotographyhawaii
To view more Photo Booth Samples tap/click here: Photo Booth
To learn more about our Officiant services tap/click here: Officiant
NEW FEATURED WEDDING PHOTOS & VIDEOS here: biancaphotographyhawaii
To contact us, and to see more information + options of services, please tap/click onto the “Menu” on the top of this page. You can also tap/click here: Menu